If You’re Happy and You Know It

You might have just gotten a massage. You are but you didn’t? Good for you, you can go get one and be even happier! Why, how do I know this? Science.

Serotonin, the happiness hormone/neurotransmitter, also does many other useful things such as regulating appetite. Sometimes you’re just really low on Serotonin, and there aren’t magical Serotonin stations with it on sale by the gallon. How would you become low on it?

You could be depressed, or a victim of trauma, stress, or a serious illness which in itself can lead to depression. Depression can also be inherited. Some drugs inadvertently do too. In the case of depression, there is a chemical imbalance in the brain and therefore interruption between neurons that should be receiving happy neurotransmitters like serotonin.

You could also not be consuming enough L-Tryptophan. So eat plenty of turkey, and carbs, a low carb, high protein diet can lead to decreased serotonin levels. Does this make cake medicine? No, but is it delicious, will it help keep you happy? Most assuredly, I’m sorry, what’s, I know, in moderation. Dairy, meat and grains also contain L-Tryptophan. So if you ever see a sad gluten free vegan, you know why now.

You could be lacking in Vitamin B6, sunflower seeds, pistachios, and Tuna are full of the stuff, so are rice and other nuts. See, more carbs, yay! Find yourself a recipe for pistachio cake, or tuna cake, whatever, pistachio cake would probably taste a lot better though. You could just go to Red Lobster for dinner first.

Then there’s Theanine, surprisingly not some Greek god, it’s an amino acid most famously found in green tea and used as a dietary supplement. That you might take after eating too much cake. Theanine is actually safe, nay beneficial in small doses, like a cup of tea, but concentrated in supplements it can degrade serotonin and interfere with the wonderful happiness producing neurotransmitters and neurons in the brain. So maybe slow down on the cake. You don’t want to look like one of those sad gluten free vegans do you? Of course not.

So you’re not depressed, you eat plenty of pistachio cake, eschew dietary supplements, then why are your serotonin levels still kind of low? You must obviously not be getting enough massages!

How will a massage make you feel better, deep tissue specifically? The Touch Research Institute in Miami found that massage (and other body work) increased serotonin by 28%, with just one massage. And decreased that nasty stress hormone/neurotransmitter, cortisol by 31%, with just one massage. The kneading and massaging of tissues and muscles help to release and produce good, happy hormones/neurotransmitters.  It’s not a cure for depression or low serotonin levels, but it’s an excellent complimentary treatment. Plus, less pills.

But can I still eat the cake? Of course you can still eat the cake, who doesn’t, that is a stupid question unless you’re diabetic or just allergic to cake. There are a variety of reasons why you might be feeling blue, but massage by itself or in compliment with another treatment can get you back in happy, huggy shape.

So the next time you’re feeling a little bit blue, or just really need a massage, get a massage. And carbs, eat lots and lots of carbs.







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